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In Lisa See’s novel The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, an early and defining moment of the story occurs when the main character assists her birth attendant mother with labor and delivery for a woman in their rural mountain village. But when healthy twins are born, there is no rejoicing. Instead, the family despairs. Their traditional beliefs hold that only animals birth multiple babies, and it is unnatural for humans. The twins’ family believes they must end their babies’ lives to prevent illness or death in their community.

This tradition has existed in some communities throughout the world over the course of history. Even today, in one district where World Renew is at work, a people group believes that if twins are born and raised in the village, illness and death will come. If a mother has twins, the whole family must stay outside the village for at least two weeks until the proper cleansing ceremonies can be done. There is intense pressure to kill twins born in the village, but if the woman gives birth in a hospital, another family may be found to raise the children.

In this district, Lana* became pregnant in early 2022 and went for regular prenatal checkups at the local hospital throughout her pregnancy. Each time Lana and her husband went for a checkup, they would ask her younger brother, Philip,* to interpret for them. When Lana went for an ultrasound in October, the doctor strongly emphasized that it was important for Lana to give birth at the hospital.

“I was with them at this checkup but was unaware that my sister was pregnant with twins,” Philip said. “We had lunch together, and after they left, I somehow sensed that my sister was carrying two babies. So I returned to the hospital to ask the doctor, and she confirmed that yes, my sister was pregnant with twins, but she had been afraid to tell her.”

Knowing that no one in Lana’s ethnic group had ever raised twins in their own village due to the cultural taboos, the doctor did not dare tell Lana and her husband for fear they would kill the twins. She had encouraged a hospital birth hoping she might help find a home for the babies. “I thanked her for her concern and told her not to worry,” Philip said. “We would raise the babies.”

At home, Philip conferred with other relatives and villagers about what to do. “I asked them to go and talk with my brother-in-law and sister, explaining to them that they were receiving a special gift from God,” he said. “At first they felt sad and wondered why this had happened to them. They worried that others would think their family would bring bad luck to the village. However, after much discussion and encouragement, Lana and her husband decided that they would raise the twins.”

Relatives and World Renew staff decided to take Lana to a larger hospital in a town some distance away so she could have a safe delivery—and so the babies would not be born in the village. There, she gave birth to two healthy boys. Because World Renew health staff were aware of the situation and present to promote maternal and newborn health, other villagers could not refuse to allow the family to raise the twins.

“Although other villagers were worried at first, many of them are now quite happy to have the twins around, especially the younger generation,” Philip said. “I believe that in the future, other people throughout our region will also keep their twins because they will see that nothing bad happened to our family or village.”

*Names have been changed for the security of World Renew staff and program participants.

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