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Banner Guides

Since Synod 2019, The Banner has produced online-only, easy to read guides to the material coming before the Christian Reformed Church's annual general assembly, as well as a guide to the Acts afterwards. In 2021 we also produced a guide tracing the history of denominational structure changes. Here are those most recent guides:


Banner Booklet

"Engaging Scripture" is a collection of insightful and inspiring articles compiled from a diversity of contributing writers to The Banner thoughtfully selected from over the past 15 years. It was created to cultivate a deeper understanding and relationship with the Word. This print-friendly PDF book aims to provide clarity and insight into the trustworthiness, interpretation, and practical application of Scripture. "Engaging Scripture"

Fighting Polarization

  • Series: Seeking Shalom in the Midst of Polarization — In collaboration with The Colossian Forum, this series aims to examine a true state of polarization in the U.S. and Canada and explore Christian strategies to overcome it.
  • Series: Past Controversies, Present Insights — We explore past controversies in the Christian Reformed Church that threatened or even led to division and splits within the denomination. How do we view these controversies now? And what can we learn from them?

Politics and Faith Resources

Remembering Diet Eman: Dutch resistance hero, CRC member by Dr. James Calvin Schaap (print-friendly PDF)
Did Liberation Bring a Better World? by Diet Eman (print-friendly PDF)

Just for Kids: A Baker's Dozen (print-friendly PDF)
Here are 13 of Joanne De Jonge’s favorite “Just for Kids” articles from The Banner. A free pdf collection of award-winning nature writing that inspires both kids and kids-at-heart to delight in and celebrate God’s amazing creation. (Please note that this collection does not include questions for discussion.)

Abuse of Power Resources
During the past couple of years, and especially since Synod 2018, the issue of abuse of power in the church has been a recurring topic in The Banner. That synod instructed the Council of Delegates (the administrative board of the denomination) “to appoint a small team to . . . address the patterns of abuse of power at all levels of the denomination.” We offer the following list of Banner articles for those who wish to learn more about this issue.

Study Series

Presenting free online resources with questions for discussion for

  • personal study and reflection
  • small group discussion
  • adult education church groups

Reformation Themes: Commemorating the 500th Anniversary (print-friendly PDF)
October 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, an event that changed the course of Western history. This collection includes a series of articles focusing on each of the five solas—Scripture alone, faith alone, Christ alone, grace alone, and glory to God alone—along with a retrospective by Dr. Karin Maag, “The Reformation: What Did We Gain? What Did We Lose?”

Reformed Basics (print-friendly PDF)
What does “Reformed” mean anyway? A compilation of previous Banner articles by award-winning writer and former Banner editor Rev. Len Vander Zee on topics including election, the Trinity, original sin, and more.

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